Chapter 8 - Flexibility 10/21

Chapter 8 expounded upon the roles that flexibility as a strategic option for firms. Base don risk and strategic analysis, flexibility is important when it comes to a firm making strategic decision when dealing with ambiguity or uncertainty. Flexibility is defined as the ability to change direction quickly and at a low cost, if unexpected changes in the competitive landscape arise in the industry a firm is operating. Due to Nike's size, its flexibility is limited. Am abundance of resources, time, and materials back each decision the company pursues. If something were to suddenly change the would have trouble reacting to the change in a low cost and efficient matter. It would take a lot of moving parts to redirect. In Nike's case, what it lacks in flexibility it must make up for in forecasting and prediciton of indutry fluctuations. Nike must always stay 5 steps ahead of the competition.
Image result for nike flexibility


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