Chapter 9 - Collusion - 10/29

Collusion is defined by the text as existing when firms in an industry agree to coordinate their strategic choices in order to reduce competition in an industry. It can result when firms collaborate on output and pricing decisions. Collusion can be seen in multiple industries and companies can even collude against particular individuals. For example, the NFL is accused of colluding to not give Colin Kaepernick a contract in the league because he chose to protest against police brutality against unarmed black men by kneeling during the national anthem. He began this protest in 2016, and has been out of work ever since. That is, until Nike, in its familiar controversial fashion revealed Mr. Kaepernick as the face of their nemajor marketing campaign honoring the 30th anniversary of its iconic “Just Do It” slogan. Kaepernick has sued the NFL and hope to receive justice if collusion is found to be at play. I think it's honorable that Nike stand with Colin Kaepernick in his effort to peacefully protest police brutality and racism.

 Image result for nike collusion


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